Malathro Olympus Guest House

Malathro Olympus Guest House

Malathro Olympus Guest House

Startup: Season 2023


Welcome to Malathro Olympus Guest House!

Malathro Olympus Guest House is located in the village of Dion, in the Pieria region, Mt. Olympus, Greece. The property features 11 spacious, fully-furnished apartments. At the lobby of Malathro, you will find the breakfast area with an open kitchen serving breakfast made with high-quality ingredients from local farmers and suppliers.

Its proximity to Mt. Olympus and Orlias lagoons makes it an ideal destination for mountain activities tourism. Malathro is located just a few steps from the renowned Dion archaeological site and museum. The museum was established in 1983 to display excavations unearthed in the area from a fortified city that once stood in its place from the 6th century BC to the 5th century AD. The artifacts of the museum were also discovered in Olympus, the archaeological site of ancient Leivithra, and the wider Pieria regional unit.

Worth knowing:

"All the rooms at Malathro Olympus Guest House are built in the traditional Macedonian style, with respect to the local architecture and craftsmanship. The 5 Duplex Suites came from a creative renovation of an old agricultural warehouse. The interiors of all suites feature high-quality materials and amenities, including stone, wood, COCO-MAT mattresses and bedding, a sustainable fireplace, and an elegant kitchenette."

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